Masterclass of the CIVITAS UK & Ireland City Network

CIVITAS Initiative

UK and Irish Councils Look East for Inspiration on Tackling Transport Problems!Local authorities from across the UK and Ireland attended a two-day masterclass in Norwich in order to learn how to tackle major transport issues such as reducing CO2 emissions from traffic and cutting congestion (10-11 March 2009). This event took place with the cooperation of the new CIVITAS UK & Ireland City Network of transport authorities, which was launched in London in October 2008.

Since 2005 Norwich has been implementing a programme of innovative transport measures with the assistance of funding from the European Commission. These measures are now showing outstanding preliminary results in terms of the reduction in congestion, lower emissions of CO2 and other pollutants, and increases in car-sharing and travel by public transport. The results were presented at the event and followed up with site visits.The network builds upon the success of the CIVITAS Initiative, a European Commission programme that has helped cities such as Bristol, Cork, Preston, Norwich and Winchester to improve local transport and encourage greener travel behaviour.The Network is supported by the Department for Transport, the Welsh Assembly Government, the Scottish Government and the Department of Transport Republic of Ireland and is being promoted by the local authorities involved in CIVITAS - Bristol City Council, Lancashire County Council, Norfolk County Council, Hampshire County Council, Bath & North East Somerset Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and Cork City Council. Consultant Transport & Travel Research (TTR) administers the network.Speaking at the First Wider Membership meeting of the CIVITAS UK & Ireland City Network in October 2008, Bronwyn Hill, Director General City and Regional Networks at the DfT said “What local authorities do is critical if we are to bring about the changes necessary to achieve sustainable mobility and to tackle climate change. We believe the CIVITAS UK & Ireland City Network can make a real difference as a mechanism for sharing experience and best practice between local authorities across the country. It offers the opportunity for technical experts, policy makers and politicians to work together to deliver joined up solutions and expand knowledge and expertise. The Department for Transport fully endorses this networking and partnership approach.”

Author: UK & Ireland CIVITAS Network Secretariat

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